Joy. Bliss. Ecstasy. How can you be receptive to grace? Sadhguru says giving yourself an Inner Engineering crash course every hour is a step towards that. But, how many times do we actually remember to do it? This is where Badam app will in to help you make it into a habit.There are two reminders:Inner Engineering Crash Course 1 Day You Will DieWatch Sadhguru’s video where he talks about giving yourself 20s Inner Engineering Crash Course functionality: Choose the number of reminders you want in a dayReminders are delivered randomly throughout the day Choose the time during which reminders are activeBenefits of reminding yourself that you are mortal: Here a few quotes by Sadhguru on deathOnce you are constantly aware of your mortality, your spiritual search will be unwavering.Only a person who is willing to die can live totally.If you constantly remember that you are mortal, you will walk gently and sensibly upon this planet.